Tuesday, August 24, 2010

7 things on my mind... in no particular order

1.  Now that I am accepted to Western Theological Seminary, the question still remains, how are we going to pay for this?  When I first decided to apply, I said, "ok God, I've fought going to seminary since I graduated college.  If this is what you want next, You're going to need to pay for it."  So I guess I have to have faith that He will, or maybe He wants me to wait until later.
2.  My mom is coming to visit again tomorrow.  That should be great.  I love my mom.
3.  I'm nervous that Nicole goes back to school next week.  I'm nervous that Micah will cry a lot more once she leaves.  I think I'm more nervous for Nicole, having to be away, finding time to pump at school, and somehow finding energy to stay awake once she gets home.
4.  Are there really a lot of people upset about this Muslim Community Center being built a few blocks from Ground Zero?  I can't find any.  All I here are a bunch of people saying there's nothing to be upset about.  Who's upset?  I am not.  If terrorists wanted to build a memorial to the fallen soldiers who gave their lives up when they flew planes into buildings, then I might get upset.  (This is not meant to make light of the situation, but Muslim's are not terrorists, and we, in the US, need to stop treating them like they are.)
5.  I have an interview in about 3.5 hours.  I've had a lot of interviews in the past year and a half.  It's hard to know what to feel anymore.  I've stopped trying to guess how I think God is going to open doors.  I'm just trying to have greater faith.
6.  I am eager to read more.  I was challenged greatly by this blog post in regards to the books I read.
7.  It's supposed to be 112 degrees today in Chino.  I hate Chino when it's this hot.


  1. I like to see what's on your mind. And I'm with you on #4. Though I did hear a great comment about it (from Rudy Guliani!): "Is there a problem with you building a community center and mosque by Ground Zero? No. There isn't. But I have to ask you why you want to so badly when there are so many people upset about it. To the families who lost someone, this is not the healing place you claim it will be. So, if it isn't a healing place, then is it a good place? May you build there? Sure. Should you build there? I don't think so. Because to the families who have a problem with it, the families who lost so much on 9/11, all it is doing is hurting them some more."

  2. That is a good quote. Although, I think if it were psycho, extremists who called themselves Christians who flew planes into the WTC, I think I would want to build a church close to ground zero too. To show my community that gospel is about reconciliation and peace with God and each other...not violence. I would want to bring healing to the most broken places. So I guess I understand why they so badly want to build there.
