Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Song for My Family

The lyrics to this song overwhelmed this past weekend.
Still letting it sink in.

This is a song for my family
Outside the walls of Sunday morning
from some within.

This is a song to confess our sins,
Lay it all out, and try to begin again.
To hope again.

Please forgive our ignorance
In looking down on you
Please forgive our selfishness
For hiding in our pews while the world bleeds
While the world needs us to be what we should be

This is a song for my family who 
Just can’t believe in the Jesus that you’ve seen
on Sunday morning.

This is a song for the cynical saints.
The burned out and hopeless.
The ones that we’ve cast away.
I feel your pain.

Please forgive the wastefulness of all that we could be
But don’t forget, there’s more than this
Her beauty still exists
His bride is still alive
His bride is still alive
His bride is still alive
His bride is still alive
His bride is still alive

This is a song for my family inside
The walls of Sunday morning.
Be what you should be.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

aaaaannnd I'm back

So ya, it's been a few months.  I needed a break.  But now I'm back, for now.

I went to the David Crowder concert this past weekend.  Wonderful time!  I'm sad to see this group of creative, musical, socially awkward, clever, entertaining guys break up.  But I'm thankful for what they've produced over the last 11 years.  Plus, I always love me some sweet face melting solos...

Gungor opened for *DCB and they were spectacular as well.  I mean, come on, a cello player beat-boxing at the same time?  Seriously awesome!

That's all for now.  Happy October everyone!