Saturday, October 23, 2010

There's no place like home

There's something about this place that is just special to me.  I never appreciated it much growing up, and 6 years ago, I was pretty eager to leave.  But as they say, distance either makes the heart grow fonder, or makes it wander.  It's safe to say the former is more true than the latter for me.  Don't get me wrong, I will cherish many memories from my time in CA...we made great friends, met wonderful people, learned a lot about ourselves, our marriage, and ministry, and went through our first pregnancy in CA.  I will miss the relationships for sure, but there is a lot that I won't miss also:
-100+ degree temps
-LA sports teams (Lakers, and Dodgers mostly)
-Dust and dirt (and when the Santa Ana winds blow it around every where)
-Being 2300 miles away from family and the necessary flying back to MI to visit them
-People who think that CA is heaven on earth and that everyone who doesn't live there is crazy

So far after 5 days in Michigan, I am loving it.  So many small things just make my heart happy.
-Trees, especially with all the colored leaves
-Biggby Coffee
-Flashing red left turn signals
-Parents and In-Laws who treat me to dinner
-Dutch bingo
-The thought of being home for Thanksgiving and Christmas without having to travel
-Ministry connections with old friends at other churches
-Local sports teams on tv and covered by the news...even High School sports

It's just special.  It feels like home.  It feels right.  So to our friends in CA, thank you.  We love you.  You were our family when we were away from our family.  But to Grand Rapids, MI...we are glad to be home!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bullet Points

-I'm moving to Michigan on Saturday.  Holy crap!  (Hence the bullet point blog post)
-Saying goodbye is hard
-Both of my brothers are flying to CA to help me drive all our belongings across the country.  Should be fun.
-Micah is rolling and scooting all over the place.  I can't stand thinking that I won't be able to hold him for a month.
-Nicole and Micah are staying here until Nov. 21 so Nicole can help transition to the new teacher in her classroom.  :(
-Nicole and Micah got a 1st class ticket to fly back to MI.  :)
-The Lions won dominated on Sunday :)
-Yesterday was national coming out day.  May the bullying, teasing, marginalizing and ostracizing stop!  Jesus loved the outcasts, so should we!
-I hate packing
-I love craigslist
-I hate political attack ads...enough already!
-I love my wife, my son, and you!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Foto Friday

We did this 5 years ago.  Getting ready to do it again, headed East this time.